API: Department Record Resource

Resource URI


Get details about a department


  1. json
  2. xml
  3. partial
GET https://directory.unl.edu/departments/362?format=json

Resource Properties

Resource Properties Table
Property Description
name Name of this deparmtnet/unit
org_unit Official org unit ID from SAP


GET https://directory.unl.edu/departments/362?format=xml

Resource Properties

Resource Properties Table
Property Description
department The department element, which contains 'parent' and 'child' children elements.
parent A link to the parent department the link is available in the xlink:href attribute
child A link to the child department, the link is available in the xlink:href attribute (there can be many of these)


                            Sorry, we could not get a sample for you.
GET https://directory.unl.edu/departments/362?format=partial


                            Sorry, we could not get a sample for you.

Format Information

The following is a list of formats used in Directory.

Have a correction?

If you'd like to correct your own entry, contact your departmental HR liaison. For corrections to another person's contact or department/unit information, use the form below.