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  • Ph D, Educational Psychology, University of Arizona, 2016
  • MS, Educational Technology, University of Arizona, 2006
  • MLIS, University of Arizona, 2004
  • BA, History, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 2002

icon-documentPublications and Other Intellectual Contributions

  • Sult, L., & DeFrain, E. (accepted). Where does all the time go? Setting realistic expectations for conducting rigorous scoping reviews. Sage Research Methods Cases. SAGE Publications, Ltd.
  • DeFrain, E., Sult, L., & Pagowsky, N. (forthcoming). Effectiveness of academic library research guides for building college students’ information literacy skills: A scoping review. College & Research Libraries.
  • Riehle, C.F., DeFrain, E., Minter, D., & Simons, J. (2024). Writing instructors’ intentional integration of the information literacy framework. Communications in Information Literacy 18(1). , June 2024
  • DeFrain, E. (2024). Universal Design for Learning as a framework for expanding liaison work and engaging with students. , In R. McMullin & D. Skaggs (Eds.), Universal Design for Learning in Academic Libraries: Theory into Practice. ACRL Press.
  • DeFrain, E., Sult, L., & Pagowsky, N. (2022). Effectiveness of academic library research guides for building college students’ information literacy skills: A scoping review protocol, November 2022
  • DeFrain, E., Thoegersen, J., & Hong, M. (2022). Standing out or blending in: Academic libraries in the crowded informal learning space ecosystem, College & Research Libraries. 83(1)., January (1st Quarter/Winter) 2022
  • DeFrain, E. & Hong, M. (2020). Interiors, affect, and use: How does an academic library’s learning commons support students’ needs?, Evidence Based Library and Information Practice. 15(2), 42-68.
  • Head, A. J., DeFrain, E., Fister, B., & MacMillan, M. (2019). Across the great divide: How today's college students engage with news. , First Monday, 24(8).
  • Allison, D., DeFrain, E., Hitt, B. D., & Tyler, D. C. (2019). Academic library as learning space and as collection: A learning commons' effects on collections and related resources and services. , The Journal of Academic Librarianship, 45(3), 305-314.
  • DeFrain, E., Delserone, L., Lorang, L., Riehle, C.F. , & Anaya, T. (2019). Re-centering teaching and learning: Toward communities of practice at the University of Nebraska - Lincoln Libraries, In Mallon, M., Huisman, R., Hays, L., Bradley, C., & Belanger, J. (Eds.) Chicago: ACRL Press.
  • Burks, R., Deards, K., & DeFrain, E. (2017). Where Science Intersects Pop Culture: An Informal Science Educational Outreach Program, Journal of Chemical Education
  • Tyler, D., Cross, J., & DeFrain, E. (2017). Sociological Abstracts vs. SocINDEX for Graduate Students in Sociology: Comprehensive Enough to Satisfy?, Library Philosophy and Practice
  • DeFrain, E., Hathcock, A., Masland, T., Pagowsky, N., Pho, A., Rigby, M., & Robert, K.R. (2016). In defense of scholarship: A rebuttal to The librarian stereotype: How librarians are damaging their image and profession. College & Undergraduate Libraries 23(2).
  • Pagowsky, N., & DeFrain, E. (2014). Ice ice baby: Are librarian stereotypes freezing us out of instruction? , In the Library with the Lead Pipe
  • Mery, Y., DeFrain, E., Kline, E., & Sult, L. (2014). Evaluating the effectiveness of tools for online database instruction. , Communications in Information Literacy, 8(1). 70-81.


  • DeFrain, E. & Sult, L. (2024, April 16-18). Gathering evidence to inform practice: A scoping review of library research guide effectiveness studies. Evidence Synthesis Institute. Minneapolis, MN.
  • Riehle, C.F., & DeFrain, E. (May 2023). Writing Instructors’ Intentional Integration of the Information Literacy Framework. Association of College and Research Libraries, Education and Behavioral Sciences Section, Research Committee Virtual Research Forum.
  • DeFrain, E., & Sult, L. (May 2023). Paving the way or still charting a path: How are we measuring the learning effectiveness of library research guides? Association of College and Research Libraries, Education and Behavioral Sciences Section, Research Committee Virtual Research Forum.
  • DeFrain, E. (2019). “I use good sources when it counts for school, but am lazier at home”: The critical divide between young adults’ academic and personal news engagement behaviors. Information Literacy Summit. Chicago, IL.
  • Hong, M. & DeFrain, E. (May, 2019). Fostering healthy learning communities through informal spaces. EDRA. New York City., Brooklyn, NY
  • DeFrain, E. & Hong, M. (2018). Design for informal learning: The shifting ground of academic library design. IATUL. Oslo, Norway., Oslo, Norway
  • DeFrain, E., & Pagowsky, N. (2017, January). Instructional Design for Librarians. UCLA Workshop, UCLA Libraries, Los Angeles, CA
  • DeFrain, E., Glassman, J., Pagowsky, N., Worsham, D. (2016, June). Breaking it down and climbing back up: Learning theories and approaches to instruction. Library Instruction West, Salt Lake City, UT
  • Sult, L., Mery, Y., & DeFrain, E. (2013, May). A new spin on an old classic: Effective online database instruction. Library Orientation Exchange (LOEX) Annual Conference, Nashville, TN
  • DeFrain, E. (2012, April). More than a pathfinder: Are we getting the most out of our online course guides? University of Arizona Libraries Living the Future 8, Tucson, AZ

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