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Justin Olmanson’s research interests / work is focused on how AI, particularly generative AI, can be used to engage each human’s full communicative and sense-making repertoires within the learning process.<br>Specifically, via multi-agent systems, aiming to ensure that AI:<br>- harnesses human diversity;enables transformative learning;<br>- is applied across multiple scales; and<br>- is strategically employed across the taxonomy of scaffolding for learning.<br><br>Olmanson’s interests in collaborative technical development are wider, with a lab / skill set that includes: design-based research, server-side development, APIs, web application prototype development (python, JavaScript, full stack, SQL, MongoDB, Neo4j, Pinecone).<br><br>An associate professor of learning technologies at UNL, Olmanson leads the Innovative Learning Technologies program in the College of Education and Human Sciences. He is a member of the faculty senate and its Information Technology subcommittee, an advisory board member for UNL's Center for Transformative Teaching, and a member of the Center for Intelligent Health Care at UNMC, and in these roles, he leverages his experience in emerging digital technologies, learning and curriculum theory, design-based research, and strategic initiatives to support the University of Nebraska System, UNL, the college, and the department of Teaching, Learning, and Teacher Education. He founded the educational software and consulting company, B Street Systems, and co-founded the nano-bioscience company, B Street Biological Systems, serving as Chief Technology and Chief Experience Officer.<br><br>Olmanson designs and develops educational experiences that support students in engaging with new and challenging learning practices, including computational and mathematical problem solving, language and literacies development, as well as transdisciplinary knowledge construction. His work integrates technical innovation in AI with insights on curriculum, learning theory, and pedagogy. His research group actively investigates multi-agent systems applied to education and healthcare. As part of this mission, his group also develops frameworks for human-agent interaction in learning.<br>Olmanson’s research has been featured at venues such as AERA, NORA, EdTechX, CALL, and ACM's SigDoc. He has co-designed and developed CipherLand, Distributed Biography, FunWritr, InfoWriter, Chinese Character Helper, iPLA Alex-TA, Advising Helper, Giuseppe Creative Coding Bot, and Blood Antigen Tutor. He completed postdoctoral and graduate work at the University of Illinois Urbana Champaign (postdoc), the University of Texas Austin (PhD), Harvard University (MEd), and the University of Houston (MEd).<br><br><b>Prospective Collaborators, Graduate Students, and Funding</b><br>Olmanson's lab welcomes collaborators both within and beyond UNL. Inspired by the LevelsIO approach, many of the lab’s initiatives are realized via rapid, self-contained development. In the evolving field of AI and learning technologies, prioritizing agility and efficiency is advantageous for exploratory prototyping. By completing demos and betas in-house within the time it typically takes to write and secure a grant, the lab stays current and independent. As a result, financial support for graduate student collaborators is less common and is prioritized for ILT PhD students with strong web application design, software development, LLM, API, and machine learning expertise.<br><br><b>Courses</b><br>TEAC 259: Technology Integration in K-12 Classrooms and Speech Language Pathology Clinical Settings<br>- Designed as a heterogeneous learning experience (readings, discussion, projects, evaluation and reflection).<br>- Offered most semesters<br><br>TEAC 859: Designing Learning Experiences<br>- Designed as a heterogeneous learning experience (readings, discussion, final design project, and reflection).<br>- Offered Fall semesters<br><br>TEAC 880M: Technology Supported Assessment and Learning Analytics<br>- Designed as a heterogeneous learning experience (readings, discussion, final design project, and reflection).<br>- Offered odd Summer semesters<br><br>TEAC 882B: Advanced Web Design and Databases<br>- Designed as a heterogeneous learning experience (JavaScript, SQL, MongoDB, Neo4j, Pinecone, GitHub, VS Code, final design project).<br>- Offered even Spring semesters<br><br>TEAC 882D: Artificial Intelligence and APIs in the Design of Learning Experiences<br>- Designed as a heterogeneous learning experience (Python, LLMs, APIs, PyTorch, GitHub, VS Code, final design project).<br>- Offered odd Spring semesters<br><br>TEAC 960: Doctoral Seminar: Education, Technology, and Change<br>- Designed as a heterogeneous learning experience (readings, discussion, final project, and reflection).<br>- Offered even Fall semesters (last taught Spring 2020)<br><br>TEAC 995A: Doctoral Seminar: How to Be a PhD Student<br>- Designed as an acculturating learning experience (readings, discussion, faculty interactions, literature review, and reflection).<br>- Offered yearly, taught by Olmanson every 5 years<br><br><i>“I don’t think you can be a good innovator if you don’t know how to make the stuff you’re designing.”</i> -Walter Isaacson 2023<br><br><b>Innovative Learning Technologies Programs</b><br>Certificates, Specializations, and Degrees: MA | EdD | PhD


  • Ph D, University of Texas, 2011
  • MEd, Harvard Graduate School of Education, Harvard University, 2004
  • MEd, University of Houston, 2001
  • BA, Minnesota State University Mankato, 1997


  • TEAC 259, Instructional Technology, Fall 2018
  • TEAC 859, Designing Learning Experiences, Fall 2018
  • TEAC 882D, Artificial Intelligence, and APIs in the Design of Learning Experiences, Spring 2018
  • TEAC 960, Topical Seminar in Instructional Technology; Making New Things Possible, Spring 2015

icon-documentPublications and Other Intellectual Contributions

  • Visualizing Revision: Leveraging Student-Generated Between-Draft Diagramming Data in Support of Academic Writing Development, Technology, Knowledge and Learning
  • What does Motivated Mean? Learning, Technology, and Motivation in Public School Settings, Middle Grades Review, July (3rd Quarter/Summer) 2016
  • 打字宝 Dǎ Zì Bǎo Chinese Character Helper (Version 0.2), Web App, April (2nd Quarter/Spring) 2017
  • New Media Literacies, Encyclopedia of Educational Philosophy and Theory
  • Historical Analysis: Tracking, Problematizing, and Reterritorializing Achievement and the Achievement Gap, May 2017

icon-business-chartResearch & Grants

  • CEHS Digital Research & Design Studio: A CEHS Technology Innovation Project Proposal, UNL CEHS Technology Committee, August 2015


  • Panel: Fostering Innovation in Education Institutions, London, UK
  • Visualizing Revision: Re-Mediating Self-Evaluation via Between-Drafts Concept Mapping, American Educational Research Association, Chicago, IL
  • Connecting Critical Whiteness to Elementary Classrooms and Education Technologies, East Campus Union, Lincoln, NE

icon-bookmark-starAwards & Honors

  • UNL Parent Award, Student Affairs, Parents Association & the UNL Teaching Council, 2018
  • Innovative Social Entreprenurship Design and Development Award, LBJ School of Public Affairs, University of Texas Austin, 2007

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