Kim Bearnes
- Exten Educator NE Ext Engagement Zone 5 University of Nebraska–Lincoln
302 6th St
QR Code for Kim Bearnes
Kim Bearnes is an Extension Educator located in Stanton County, Nebraska. She currently is a member of the 4-H Career Development/College Readiness Work-group and has long been interested in the growth and development of rural communities through increased connections between youth and community leaders. Kim has worked for the University of Nebraska-Lincoln for over 30 years, having served Extension in the West Central and Northeast Districts. She is a certified Career and Transition Counselor.<br><br>A Kansas native, Kim was raised on a Flinthills ranch near Madison. She holds a BS in Dietetics and Institutional Management from Kansas State University and a MS in Human Development(Family Life Education) from the University of Nebraska - Lincoln. Kim completed her Dietetic Internship at Wesley Medical Center in Wichita, Kansas. Kim and her husband Kent reside near Laurel, NE.<br><br>Kim can be contacted at <a href="//"></a>
- BS, Kansas State University, 1977
- MS, University of Nebraska - Lincoln, 1997
icon-documentPublications and Other Intellectual Contributions
- Chapter 5, Careers in Beef Industry, August 2014
- Community Vitality Initiative - A Framework to Move Forward, November 2013
- ESP and Administration Partnership Problem Solving in Extension Issues, ESP and Administration Partnership Problem Solving in Extension Issues, October (4th Quarter/Autumn) 2018
- Find Your Spark to Start - entrepreneurship activity book, April (2nd Quarter/Spring) 2020
icon-bookmark-starAwards & Honors
- 25 yrs. Recognition Award, NAE4HA, 2015
- Epsilon Signa Phi - established career award 2022, ESP, 2022
- Excellence in Extension Team award , Nebraska Exension, 2021
- Meritorius Service Award, Nae4Ha, 2018
- North Central Region Award in 4-H Diversity Programming, NAE4-HA, 2012
- WAEDA Patrons Award, Wayne Area Economic Development Association, 2016