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<b>Bio: Maria B. Marron</b><br> <br> Maria B. Marron is immediate former dean and a tenured professor in the College of Journalism and Mass Communications at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Marron, who has had a 16-year career in academic administration, has her doctorate in journalism and mass communications from Ohio University and a master’s in journalism from The Ohio State University. She joined the UNL college as dean in July 2014 and resigned from that position in January 2018. As the fifth dean of the college in nine years, she provided leadership through which the college realized the goals of its five-year strategic plan in 3.5 years. <br> <br> <br> Marron served for five years as editor of one of the three leading journals in the journalism and mass communications discipline, <i>Journalism & Mass Communication Educator</i>, and chaired external review teams for the accreditation of various colleges and programs in the United Arab Emirates for the UAE Commission on Academic Accreditation. <br> <br> She was a member of the start-up team for a new university in the UAE, Zayed University, Dubai and Abu Dhabi, and was on the on-site consultant for curriculum as well as the first assistant/associate dean of the College of Media and Communication Sciences. <br> <br> She has edited and contribvuted to Misogyny and Media in the Age of Trump, 2019, and Misogyny across Global Media, 2021.